14/03/10 |
Cantate – included the Three Hungarian Folksongs in their Festival Cantate ConcertProgramme, West Road Concert Hall, Cambridge – 7pm |
29/03/10 |
Delphian Records – issued Edinburgh Quarter’s CD of the Three Seiber String Quartets. |
06/04/10 |
HCC Evening – Interview of Hugh Wood, Alan Gibbs & Julia Seiber Boyd by Jessica Duchen at the Hungarian Cultural Centre, 10 Maiden Lane, Covent Garden, London – 7pm. |
14/04/10 |
Cambridge Szeged Society & Matyas Seiber Trust Concert – “Seiber & his influences – 50 years on” – Concert by Lesley Jane Rogers (soprano) & John Turner (Recorder) & Janet Simpson (piano) – perform :- Bartok, Seiber, Wood, Gibbs, Frid, Janovicky – the last piece a premiere, setting text by Georege Szirtes to music. A very special event; the 3 composers (all Seiber pupils) and the poet will be attending the concert – 7pm. |
22/04/10 |
British Library & British Museum Singers – included the 3 Hungarian Folksongs in their lunch time concert programme. 1.15 at St Pancras Church Euston Road, London |
22/04/10 |
Schott’s Music – Launch Party for the Edinburgh Quartet CD – with live performance – at 48 Great Marlborough Street, London. By invitation – contact Sally Groves at Schott’s. |
26/05/10 |
Howard Williams CC21 performed Seiber songs in concert at Pécs capital city of European culture 2010 |
12/06/10 |
Edinburgh Quartet performed Seiber 3rd string quartet in Glasgow Music Festival |
16/06/10 |
Seiber & James Joyce concert planned during James Joyce Symposium at Szombathely Hungary |
18/06/10 |
Wind serenade sextet performed at Yorba Linda, California |
27/06/10 |
Kodály Institute Kecskemét Miraculum childrens’ choir performed Seiber songs in concert at Jesus College, Cambridge |
17/07/10 |
Seibers Piano & Recorder piece performed by Stemp in Michaelhouse lunchtime concert series, Cambridge |
30/07/10 |
Veronica Henderson & Jill Morton performed Seiber and other Hungarian & English music for cello & piano Fitzwilliam College Chapel. |
24/09/10 |
Seiber commemoration concert Frankfurt Hoch Konservatorium |
03/10/10 |
Seiber Missa Brevis & Kodály’s lament on Seiber’s death St Louis, Missouri USA |
06/10/10 |
Seibers Ulysses Concert of music associated with Joyce, Carnegie Hall, New York USA |
15/10/10 |
Cambridge Chamber Ensemble Bateman Auditorium, Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge. |
23/10/10 |
Mátyás Seiber and his Legacy Howard Williams directs the CC21 (Choir of the 21st Century)Queens College Chapel, Cambridge 23 October 2010 7.00pm |
11/11/10 |
Hoch Konservatorium symposium on the first academic study of Jazz |